58 TRX AC Drives
Communication Parameters
© 2000–2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
or 16#5FE1/15
SPC — Special motor 0 = No
1 = Yes
2 = PSM: Use for very small motors or for open circuit output
voltage testing.
or 16#5FE1/16
PGT — Type of motor shaft speed sensor (Indicates the
number of signals wired to the encoder feedback I/
O card)
0 = INC: Incremental encoder. A, A–, B, B–, are hard-wired
1 = DET: Detector. Only A is hard-wired
or 16#5FE1/17
CLI 0.1 A Internal current limit 0.1 to 1.36 x INV
(INV = drive controller nominal current)
or 16#5FE1/18
FDB — Current limit adaptation based on output
frequency (VT macro only)
0 = No
1 = Yes
or 16#5FE1/19
FLU — Motor fluxing 0 = FNC: Non-continuous fluxing
1 = FCT: Continuous fluxing
or 16#5FE1/1A
CTR — Control mode selection 0 = SVC: Open loop
1 = FVC: Closed loop
or 16#5FE1/1B
PGI 1 Number of pulses per encoder revolution (control
100 to 5000
or 16#5FE1/1C
SSL — Type of speed loop selection 0 = IP: IP structure
1 = PI: PI structure
or 16#5FE1/1D
ENC — Check encoder feedback
Do not write values 0 or 2.
Do not write value 1 if W78 = 2.
0 = No: test not performed
1 = Yes: perform the test
2 = Done: test performed
or 16#5FE1/1E
STT — Type of stop. The type of stop assigned by this
parameter is carried out until the motor frequency
drops below the setting of parameter FFT (W313),
after which the motor freewheel stops.
0 = STN: Normal ramp stop
1 = FST: Fast stop
2 = NST: Freewheel stop
3 = DCI: DC injection stop
I/O Configuration Registers
Word Code Description Possible Values or Range
LI1 Assignment of
logic input LI1
1 = STP: Stop (if TCC = 3W)
2 = FW: Forward operation (if TCC = 2W)
LI2 Assignment of
logic input LI2
0 = NO: Not assigned
2 = FW: Forward operation (if TCC = 3W)
3 = RV: Reverse operation
4 = RP2: Ramp switching
5 = JOG: Jog operation
6 = +SP: +Speed
7 = –SP: –Speed
8 = PS2: 2 preset speeds
9 = PS4: 4 preset speeds
10 = PS8: 8 preset speeds
11 = RFC: Reference switching
12 = NST: Freewheel stop
13 = DCI: DC injection stop
14 = FST: Fast stop
15 = CHP: Motor switching; or open
loop/closed loop switching
16 = TL2: Second torque limit
17 = FLO: Force to local
18 = RST: Clear faults
19 = ATN: Auto tune
20 = SPM: Save reference
21 = FLI: Motor fluxing
22 = PAU: PID auto-man
23 = PIS: PID integral shunting
24 = PR2: 2 preset PID references
26 = TLA: Torque limit by AI
27 = EDD: External fault
LI3 Assignment of
logic input LI3
0 = NO: Not assigned
3 = RV: Reverse operation
4 = RP2: Ramp switching
5 = JOG: Jog operation
6 = +SP: +Speed
7 = –SP: –Speed
8 = PS2: 2 preset speeds
9 = PS4: 4 preset speeds
10 = PS8: 8 preset speeds
11 = RFC: Reference switching
12 = NST: Freewheel stop
13 = DCI: DC injection stop
14 = FST: Fast stop
15 = CHP: Motor switching; or open loop/
closed loop switching
16 = TL2: Second torque limit
17 = FLO: Force to local
18 = RST: Clear faults
19 = ATN: Auto tune
20 = SPM: Save reference
21 = FLI: Motor fluxing
22 = PAU: PID auto-man
23 = PIS: PID integral shunting
24 = PR2: 2 preset PID references
25 = PR4: 4 preset PID references
26 = TLA: Torque limit by AI
27 = EDD: External fault
LI4 Assignment of
logic input LI4
0 = NO: Not assigned
3 = RV: Reverse operation
4 = RP2: Ramp switching
5 = JOG: Jog operation
6 = +SP: +Speed
7 = –SP: –Speed
8 = PS2: 2 preset speeds
9 = PS4: 4 preset speeds
10 = PS8: 8 preset speeds
11 = RFC: Reference switching
12 = NST: Freewheel stop
13 = DCI: Injection stop
14 = FST: Fast stop
15 = CHP: Motor switching; or open loop/
closed loop switching if CTR = FVC
16 = TL2: Second torque limit
17 = FLO: Forced local mode
18 = RST: Fault reset
19 = ATN: Auto tune
20 = SPM: Save reference
21 = FLI: Motor fluxing
22 = PAU: PID auto-man
23 = PIS: PID integral shunting
24 = PR2: 2 preset PID references
25 = PR4: 4 preset PID references
26 = TLA: Torque limit by AI
27 = EDD: External fault
Values specific to ATV58 Type FVC models
Drive Configuration Registers (Continued)
Word Code Units Description Possible Values or Range
[1] This parameter does not exist for ATV58 Type FVC drive controllers.