Chapter 19 - Camera
Refresh Thumbnails
To refresh the thumbnail screen:
1. Tap Start located in the upper left corner of the screen.
2. Tap Camera.
3. Tap
View and select View Thumbnails.
4. Tap Tools and select Refresh Thumb.
Change Folder
To change the folder where the thumbnail images are
1. Tap Start located in the upper left corner of the screen.
2. Tap Camera.
3. Tap View and select View Thumbnails.
4. Tap
Tools and select Change Folder.
5. Browse to the desired new folder or create a new one.
6. When finished, tap to save and exit.
Adaptive Sensitivity (AS Mode)
The Adaptive Sensitivity technology enables the
camera to acquire and display images with wide range
of illuminations, of more than 60 dB. When a picture is
taken, a full image with clear details in light and dark
areas is displayed.
The image is obtained by utilizing two images: one with
a short exposure time and the other with a long
exposure time. Each image captures the light and dark