Chapter 12 - Calendar
10. If you would like a reminder of when the task is due, tap
Reminder box and select Remind Me.
11. Tap the Categories box and select Business or
Personal. Tap .
12. Tap the
Sensitivity box and select Normal or Private.
13. Tap to save the task.
When the task is saved, it is added to the task list. The
task list allows you to sort the tasks based on priority
level, subject, start date, due date, or status.
Marking a Task Complete
When a task is completed, a check is used to indicate
the item is done.
To mark a task complete:
1. Tap Start located in the upper left corner of the screen
and select
2. Select Tasks.
3. Locate the desired task from the list and tap the check
box located to the left of the task entry.
Task Options
The following task options are available in the task list:
• Set reminders for new items - If this option is selected, an
alert is automatically created when a new task is created.
• Show start and due date - If this option is selected, the start
and due date is displayed in the task list.