SERIAL I/O INTERFACE S3C8245/P8245/C8249/P8249
The control register for serial I/O interface module, SIOCON, is located at F0H in set 1, bank 0. It has the control
settings for SIO module.
— Clock source selection (internal or external) for shift clock
— Interrupt enable
— Edge selection for shift operation
— Clear 3-bit counter and start shift operation
— Shift operation (transmit) enable
— Mode selection (transmit/receive or receive-only)
— Data direction selection (MSB first or LSB first)
A reset clears the SIOCON value to "00H". This configures the corresponding module with an internal clock source
at the SCK, selects receive-only operating mode, and clears the 3-bit counter. The data shift operation and the
interrupt are disabled. The selected data direction is MSB-first.
Serial I/O Module Control Registers (SIOCON)
F0H, Set 1, Bank 0, R/W
.7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .0MSB LSB
SIO interrupt enable bit
0 = Disable SIO interrupt
1 = Enable SIO interrupt
SIO interrupt pending bit
0 = No interrupt pending
0 = Clear pending condition
(when write)
1 = Interrupt is pending
SIO shift operation enable bit
0 = Disable shifter and clock counter
1 = Enable shifter and clock counter
Shift clock edge selection bit
0 = T
at falling edeges, Rx at rising edges
1 = T
at rising edeges, Rx at falling edges
Data direction control bit
0 = MSB-first mode
1 = LSB-first mode
SIO mode selection bit
0 = Receive only mode
1 = Transmit/receive mode
SIO counter clear and shift start bit
0 = No action
1 = Clear 3-bit counter and start shifting
SIO shift clock selection bit
0 = Internal clock (P.S Clock)
1 = External clock (SCK)
Figure 16-1. Serial I/O Module Control Registers (SIOCON)