S3C8245/P8245/C8249/P8249 8-BIT TIMER A/B
You use the timer A control register, TACON, to
— Select the timer A operating mode (interval timer, capture mode, or PWM mode)
— Select the timer A input clock frequency
— Clear the timer A counter, TACNT
— Enable the timer A overflow interrupt or timer A match/capture interrupt
— Clear timer A match/capture interrupt pending conditions
TACON is located in set 1, Bank 0 at address EDH, and is read/write addressable using Register addressing mode.
A reset clears TACON to '00H'. This sets timer A to normal interval timer mode, selects an input clock frequency of
fxx/1024, and disables all timer A interrupts. You can clear the timer A counter at any time during normal operation
by writing a "1" to TACON.3.
The timer A overflow interrupt (TAOVF) is interrupt level IRQ0 and has the vector address E2H. When a timer A
overflow interrupt occurs and is serviced by the CPU, the pending condition is cleared automatically by hardware.
Timer A Control Register (TACON)
EDH, Set 1, Bank 0, R/W
.7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .0MSB LSB
Timer A match/capture interrupt
enable bit:
0 = DIsable interrupt
1 = Enable interrupt
Timer A match/capture interrupt
pending bit:
0 = No interrupt pending
0 = Clear pending bit (write)
1 = Interrupt is pending
Timer A overflow interrupt enable:
0 = Disable overflow interrupt
1 = Enable overflow interrupt
Timer A counter clear bit:
0 = No affect
1 = Clear the timer A counter (when write)
Timer A input clock selection bits:
00 = f
01 = f
10 = f
11 = External clock (TACLK)
Timer A operating mode selection bits:
00 = Interval mode (TAOUT mode)
01 = Capture mode (capture on rising edge,
Counter running, OVF can occur)
10 = Capture mode (Capture on falling edge,
Counter running, OVF can occur)
11 = PWM mode (OVF interrupt can occur)
Figure 11-1. Timer A Control Register (TACON)