When engaged on a call and using the handset, you may want other
people to hear the distant party's voice over the speaker:
• P ress the LISTEN key to turn on the speaker. The microphone is not
in use, so the distant party does not hear other parties present in
your off i c e .
• P ress LISTEN again to turn the speaker off and resume private
c o n v e r s a t i o n .
• Repeat if necessary.
N O T E : Depending on speaker volume and the acoustics of your off i c e ,
it may be advisable to turn the group listening feature off
b e f o r e hanging up. This will eliminate a momentary squeal.
When equipped with optional equipment, your SAMSUNG DCS
system will allow calls to be charged to a specific account:
• During any outside C.O. call, press the account (A C C T) key.
• Enter the account code (maximum 12 characters including ✽ and #).
P r ess the ACCT key again. Your conversation will not be
i n t e r ru p t e d .
N O T E : If you make an error before you complete the account code,
p r ess the ACCT key twice and redial the correct code. Only the
last account code dialed will be printed.
You can allow/disallow incoming/outgoing calls from your keyset using
this option. There are three possible levels, Unlocked, Locked all and
Locked out. Unlocked means you can use your keyset without
restriction, while Locked all level is to prevent other people from making
or receiving calls from your keyset while you are away. The Locked out
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