• When you are connected to any call, press H O L D . The call will flash
g reen at your keyset. If this call appears on a line key at other
keysets, it will flash red at those keysets.
• To take the caller off hold, press that key and the green flashing light
will go steady green again. Resume conversation.
N O T E : While on a call, pressing a line key, route key or a flashing
CALL button will automatically put your first call on hold and
connect you to the new call. See Automatic Hold u n d e r
Customizing Your Keyset.
To place an outside call on hold at your phone so that other users
cannot get it:
• P ress the HOLD button twice. The call will flash green on your
keyset and this line will show a steady red light on other keysets.
• To retrieve the call, press the flashing green line button.
N O T E : I n t e rcom calls will always be placed on exclusive hold.
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