consider to be necessary from time
to time
11.2 Deposits will be held for 12 months
from the date of receipt and then
refunded upon request. We do not
pay interest on Deposits. If you owe
us money, we may set off Deposits
against the amount due to us. If there
is a balance left over in such cases,
we will remit this to you or credit your
12 SIM Card
it's your responsibility to keep your
SIM Card safe
12.1 Any SIM Card we supply to you
remains our property, but it is your
responsibility to keep it safe. SIM
Cards are easily damaged and should
be handled with care. We will replace
free of charge any SIM Card found to
be defective through faulty design or
workmanship. In any other
circumstances, however, we may
charge for replacing it. We reserve the
right to recall any SIM Card from you
at any time to enhance or maintain the
quality of the Services.
what to do if your SIM Card is lost,
stolen or damaged
12.2 You must inform us immediately if the
SIM Card supplied to you is lost,
stolen or damaged. You will remain
liable for all Charges incurred until you
do so. We will send you a
replacement SIM Card as soon as
reasonably practicable, but we reserve
the right to charge you for doing so.
your SIM Card and other networks
12.3 The SIM Card supplied with your
Device enables the Device to work on
10.2.2 help make decisions on motor,
household, credit, life and other
insurance claims, for you and
members of your household
10.2.3 trace debtors, recover debt,
prevent fraud, and to manage
your Accounts or insurance
10.2.4 check your identity to prevent
money laundering, unless you
furnish us with other
satisfactory proof of identity.
10.3 We may also disclose details of how
you conduct your Account to such
agencies. The information will be used
by other credit grantors for making
credit decisions about you and the
other members of your household, for
fraud prevention, debt recovery,
money laundering prevention, tracing
debtors and Account management.
For these purposes we or they may
make further searches. Although
these searches will be added to your
record they will not be shared by
10.4 Please contact us if you would like
details of these credit reference and
fraud prevention agencies from whom
we obtain and to whom we pass
information about you. You have a
legal right to this information.
11 deposits
deposits are held for 12 months
11.1 We may request a Deposit from you:
a) before Connection
b) before making Orange Additional
Services available to you, or
c) before reinstating the Services after
Suspension, or.
d) if you fail to pass any credit
assessments which we reasonably
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