cheque, direct debit and electronic
transfer, but we reserve the right to
refuse any payment method if we
have reasonable cause to believe
such payment will be dishonoured.
6.3.1 We reserve the right to charge
an administration fee each
month for payments not made
by direct debit.
6.3.2 We may arrange for invoices to
be issued by a third party on
our behalf. Invoices issued by
such third party shall be binding
on you and payment of such
invoices in full to the third party
will be a valid discharge of your
liability to pay such invoices
under this Agreement.
things that you agree to do
6.4 Recognising that good management
and security of the Services is
important to all Orange customers,
you agree that you will:
6.4.1 provide whatever proofs of your
identity and address we
consider reasonably necessary
from time to time. While
photocopy or fax copies are
usually acceptable we do
reserve the right to request the
original document
6.4.2 keep confidential, and not
disclose to any third party, your
Account password or any
personal identification code,
number or name issued by us
permitting access to the
6.4.3 not use the Services for any
improper, immoral, fraudulent or
charge will be included on your first
invoice. Charges in respect of
Services not supplied directly by us,
eg Roaming, may be invoiced several
months in arrears. VAT will be added
to all invoices at the relevant rate
where applicable. Payment is due
when you receive your invoice.
6.1.1 You will be responsible for
paying all Charges on your
Account, whether or not they
have been accrued by you
personally. You will also be
responsible for any
extraordinary costs incurred in
administering your Account,
including collecting any
payments. If your Service has
been Disconnected, either at
your request or ours, you will
remain responsible for paying
any outstanding Charges.
6.1.2 You must make your payment
when you receive your invoice
and by one of the payment
methods stated on your invoice
subject to clause 6.3. However
we may also submit an interim
bill or require an immediate
payment if we think you have
exceeded a reasonable limit on
your Account.
penalties for overdue payments
6.2 If payment is not made within 14 days
of its due date, we may charge
interest on all sums outstanding at the
rate of 2% above the base rate of
National Westminster Bank. This
interest will be charged on a per
annum basis calculated daily.
payment methods
6.3 Ordinarily we will accept payment of
Charges by credit card, debit card,
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