your scanner’s display
TRUNK appears during trunk tracking mode
M appears when a Motorola trunking channel is
E appears when an EDACS trunking channel is
L appears when an LTR trunking channel is
LIST indicates a scan list
BANK indicates a scan bank
1 - 10 indicates a bank’s number and ID list number
PGM indicates program mode
HIGHWAY indicates highway patrol scan mode
PRIVATE indicates private bank scan mode
POLICE indicates police scan mode
SERVICE indicates service scan (WX, fi re/emergency,
news, CB, air, railroad, marine) mode
M-LOCK indicates the memory is locked
F appears when function mode is on
indicates that signal stalker is active
P appears when you select a priority channel and
talk group
HOLD indicates scan hold or search hold mode
e or d
indicate search direction
SRCH indicates band search mode
PRI appears when the priority feature is turned on
L/O indicates lockout channel and talk group
DLY appears when you select a delay
DATA appears when the data skip feature is turned
FLASH appears while the ALERT light is off