The Basics
listen to preprogrammed frequencies
Your scanner comes preprogrammed from the factory
with 150 of the most frequently used frequencies stored in
Channels 1 to 150 of the private bank. You can scan these
frequencies as soon as you turn on the scanner.
common scanner terms
To fi nd a station, you must tune to a FREQUENCY (expressed
in kHz or MHz). To fi nd active frequencies, use the search
function or purchase a frequency reference.
In addition to searching a selected frequency range, you can
also search your scanner’s service banks. A
is a preset groups of frequencies categorized by the type
of services that use those frequencies. Your scanner comes
preprogrammed with all the frequencies allocated to the
weather, marine, aircraft, rail road, CB, news, and police/fi re/
emergency services.
When you search and fi nd a desired frequency, you can
store it into a
a CHANNEL. Channels are grouped into channel-storage
banks called a private bank. Your scanner has 10 CHANNEL
STORAGE BANKS and each bank has 100 channels. You can
scan the channel-storage banks to see if there is activity on
the frequencies stored in them.
scanning overview
You can scan in one of four ways:
1. Highway Patrol/Local Police Scanning -- when you select
a state you want to scan in highway patrol/local police
mode, you can scan preprogrammed highway patrol/local
police frequencies.