
Perform Configuration
Quantum TC2201 User’s Guide 111
Event Configuration 3
This option allows selecting the Event Threshold for filtering event
logging. The asterisk denotes the current setting.
Table 45 Event Filter
•Enter 1 to disable event logging.
•Enter 2 through 9 to log the specified events or higher.
•Enter 0 to log all events.
•Select A to toggle reservation/release events logging. The default
setting is Enabled.
•Select U to send event configuration changes to the TC2201 now.
Event logging captures over 2000 events and then starts overwriting the
log when full.
Event Log Filter Settings
07/26/2005 08:56:22
1) Disable Event Logging 6) Warning events
2) Emergency events 7) Notify events
3) Alert events 8) Info events
4) Critical events 9) Debug events
5) Error events 0)* Log all events
A) Toggle Reservation/Release Events Logging: Enabled
U) Update Current Operating Event Setting
X) Return to previous menu
Enter event threshold <0-9> >
Note: Be sure to correctly set the clock and date in the Real Time
Clock Configuration menu so that event logging is accurate.