Perform Configuration
Quantum TC2201 User’s Guide 99
Table 34 iSCSI Host
Because the entire list of hosts may not fit on one screen, select ‘N’ or ‘P’
to see any additional pages showing the list of hosts. Select ‘X’ to return to
the ‘Device Mapping Main Menu’. Select number from the column on the
left to associate host with the ‘Current’ map. At this point the user can
edit, delete, or change name for the host.
Entering a host number index opens the iSCSI Host Info Display, where
the selected host can be associated with the current map.
Host List Edit Display
07/26/2005 08:56:22
Current Map: iSCSI Portal Group: Both Ports - 'Indexed'
iSCSI Portal Group: Both Ports Host List:
| Idx | Initiator iSCSI Name |
| 1 | iqn.1986-03.com.hp:hpfcs214.2000853943 |
Page # 1 out of 1 pages.
Total Number of Hosts = 1
Select Host Number index to view host information
Enter (N=Next, P=Prev, A=Add, D=Delete, E=Edit, X=Exit) >