DataPort is located on the left side of the rear panel.
A typical DataPort application shown with a program-
mable QSC DSP-4 signal processor. The PC is required
only for programming the DSP-4 and is not required to
remain connected.
The DataPort is a QSC-specific connection used for
interfacing amplifiers, amplifier monitoring devices
and signal processors. QSC Audio produces a line of
digital signal processing as well as other accesso-
ries that plug directly into the DataPort. The
DataPort connection provides all the necessary
interconnects between the accessory and the
For home theater and studio applications, DSP can
be very useful for “tuning” the response of the
system. For example, a QSC DSP-4 module con-
nected to the amplifier could be configured as a
crossover or a subwoofer filter, or many other
functions. Audio response can be tailored using the
DSP and its software to compensate for speaker
response “dips” or “peaks”.
Contact your QSC representative or QSC Audio
directly to find out what DataPort accessories might
fit your application.
What is a DataPort?
In general, the connection is made by orienting the
DataPort accessory or cable’s male HD-15 plug
with the DataPort receptacle and inserting fully.
Tighten the retaining screws. Do not use excessive
force to tighten the retaining screws!
Refer to the instructions included with your
DataPort accessory for detailed connection infor-