CONNECTIONS- Outputs: Speakon connectors
Speakon Outputs
The Speakon connectors offer quick, reliable connection and disconnection of the speakers.
Although more expensive than banana or spade-lug style speaker cable termination, the speed,
convenience, and reliability make Speakon use popular with portable and live sound setups.
The Speakons are wired:
To Amplifier
To Speaker
Two-conductor Speakon Cable
Four-conductor Speakon Cable
For biamp applications, use four conductor cable.
Four conductor cable may be used for carrying both of the output channels with a single cable. Signal
splitting required at loudspeaker end of cable.
Use two-conductor Speakon cable for stereo or parallel mode. Two cables will be required; one for CH1 and
one for CH2.
To Amplifier
To Speaker
CH1 Speakon: Pin 1+ = CH1 positive
Pin 1- = CH1 negative
Pin 2+ = CH2 positive
Pin 2- = CH2 negative
CH2 Speakon: Pin 1+ = CH2 positive
Pin 1- = CH2 negative
WARNING! Use proper speaker wire.
Stereo or parallel mode: Use NEC Class 2 wiring.
Bridge mode: Use NEC Class 1 wiring.
Refer to local and national electrical codes to assure code compliance.