
2–Configuring NIC
Windows Property Pages
SN0054671-00 A 2-13
Receive Side Scaling Rings Specifies the number of RSS rings used.
Registry Key: MaxStatusRings
Default: 2
Values: 1-4
TCP Checksum Offload IPv4 Enables and disables TCP transmit and receive
checksum offload.
Registry Key: *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv4
Default: Rx and Tx Enabled
Values: Disabled, Rx Enabled, Tx Enabled,
Rx and Tx Enabled
TCP Checksum Offload IPv6 Enables and disables the TCP transmit and receive
checksum offload.
Registry Key: *TCPChecksumOffloadIPv6
Default: Rx and Tx Enabled
Values: Disabled, Rx Enabled, Tx Enabled,
Rx and Tx Enabled
UDP Checksum Offload IPv4 Enables and the disables user datagram protocol
(UDP) transmit and receive checksum offload.
Registry Key: *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv4
Default: Rx and Tx Enabled
Values: Disabled, Rx Enabled, Tx Enabled,
Rx and Tx Enabled
UDP Checksum Offload IPv6 Enables and disables the UDP transmit and receive
checksum offload.
Registry Key: *UDPChecksumOffloadIPv6
Default: Rx and Tx Enabled
Values: Disabled, Rx Enabled, Tx Enabled,
Rx and Tx Enabled
VLAN ID for setting If the Priority and VLAN Tag is enabled, this parame-
ter specifies a VLAN ID for this interface (also
exposed through the standard object identifier [OID]).
Registry Key: VlanId
Default: 0 (no VLAN)
Range: 0-4094
Table 2-1. Windows Driver Configurable Parameters (Continued)
Property Description