
2–Configuring NIC
Windows Property Pages
2-12 SN0054671-00 A
Max Ethernet Frame Size Specifies the Ethernet frame size for packet transmis-
sion and receive (includes the MAC header).
Reg Key: MaxFrameSize
Default: 1514 (corresponds to 1514 bytes on the wire
+ 4 bytes of CRC)
Max: 9614
Min: 142 (Windows 2003), 590 (Windows 2008)
Max Jumbo Buffers Specifies the number of jumbo-sized receive buffers
allocated for the jumbo ring (not frame).
Reg Key: RxJumboRingSize
Default: 4096
Values: 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192
Number of Receive Buffers Specifies the number of buffers allocated for receiving
standard MTU size (1514 byte) packets.
Registry Key: *ReceiveBuffers
Values: 1024, 2048,4096,8192,16384,32768.
Default: 16384
Number of Transmit buffers Specifies the number of stage buffers used by the
driver during transmit.
Registry Key: *TransmitBuffers
Values: 1024, 2048, 4096
Default: 1024
Priority & VLAN Tag Enables and disables support for 802.1pQ priority
tagging. This property must be enabled to set the
Registry Key: PQTagging
Default: Priority and VLAN Enabled
Values: Priority and VLAN Enabled, Prior-
ity and VLAN Disabled, Priority Enabled
and VLAN Enabled, Priority Disabled and
VLAN Disabled
Receive Side Scaling Enables and disables the RSS feature.
Registry Key: RSS
Default: Enabled
Values: Enabled, Disabled
Table 2-1. Windows Driver Configurable Parameters (Continued)
Property Description