B-14 Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows CE 5.0) User Manual
Appendix B: Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)
Tools Menu
B.1.4.4 Driver Mode Configuration
By default, the Wireless WAN driver is enabled (the Enable driver checkbox is checked).
The driver must be disabled in order to use the modem for anything other than GPRS (e.g.
dial-up data, fax, or in order to manually submit AT commands to the modem for develop-
ment, testing, approvals, etc.). If the Enable driver checkbox is not checked, the driver is
shut down as soon as the OK button in the Driver Mode dialog box is chosen.
If, on the other hand, the Wireless WAN driver is not running and the Enable driver check-
box is checked, the Wireless WAN driver is started as soon the Driver Mode dialog box is
closed using the OK button.
Since all currently supported GSM modems are automatically detected, the Enable auto-
matic port detection checkbox should always be checked. If this checkbox is not checked, a
serial port can be selected manually. This experimental feature allows the driver to be used
with an internal GSM modem that was not recognized by the automatic detection or an ex-
ternal GSM modem connected to a serial port of the computer through USB or through
Note: Your home network operator will need to let you know which other networks have
roaming agreements. Even when a network is listed with an ‘Available’ status, it
does not necessarily follow that it can be used or that the roaming agreement covers
A status of ‘Forbidden’ indicates that the network cannot be used. If you choose a
network that is not covered by a roaming agreement, the status in the main WWAN
dialog box changes to ‘Emergency calls only’, ‘No network found’, ‘GPRS not
available’ or ‘GPRS not allowed’.
Note: When the driver is not running, no network status or signal strength can
be displayed.