Chapter 5: Configuration
Configuring The Image Capture Presets
144 Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows CE 5.0) User Manual
4. Scroll through the parameter list until you reach the parameter that you want
to change.
5. For a parameter that can take a range of values:
i. Select the parameter and then press the [S
PACE] key, or double-click the parameter.
ii. A dialog box —containing the valid range of values for the parameter and the current
setting—similar to the following opens:
iii. Type the new value for the parameter into the box.
6. For a parameter that toggles between two values:
• Select the parameter and then press the [S
PACE] key, or
• Double-click the parameter.
7. When you have completed all the changes, do one of the following:
•Click OK to exit to the parameter list and save the changes, or
• Click the Close button to exit to the parameter list without saving the changes.
8. The parameter list is displayed; the new value for the changed parameter is shown.
9. When you have completed all the changes, do one of the following:
•Click OK to exit to the preset list and save the changes, or
• Click the Close button to exit to the preset list without saving the changes. Removing A Custom Preset
To remove a custom preset do the following:
1. Select a custom preset.
2. Click Remove.