
Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual 115
Chapter 6: Settings
Code 39
When this parameter is enabled, the scanner transmits data from PDF417 and
MicroPDF417 bar codes containing Character Set ECIs, even when the ECI
Protocol is disabled.
ECI Decoder (not supported)
Setting this parameter to on enables the scanner to interpret any Extended Channel
Interpretations (ECIs) supported by the scanner. This parameter has no effect on
symbols that were not encoded using ECIs.
If this parameter is set to off and a symbol that was encoded using an ECI escape is
scanned, the scanner transmits the ECI escape followed by the uninterpreted data. Code 39
Setting this parameter to on enables “Code 39”.
Enable Trioptic Code 39
Note: “Trioptic Code 39” and “Full ASCII” should not be enabled simulta-
neously. The scanner does not automatically discriminate between these
two symbologies.
Trioptic Code 39 symbols always contain six characters. Setting this parameter to
on allows this type of symbology to be recognized.
Convert To Code 32
Note: “Code 39” must be enabled in order for this parameter to function.
Setting this parameter to on allows the scanner to convert the bar code from “Code
39” to “Code 32”.
Code 32 Prefix
Note: “Convert to Code 32” must be enabled in order for this parameter to
When this parameter is enabled, the prefix character “A” is added to all “Code 32”
bar codes.