Chapter 6: Settings
Data Options — Decoded (Internal) Scanner
Psion Teklogix WORKABOUT PRO With Windows Mobile 2003 SE User Manual
2D Raster Height And 2D Raster Expand Rate (not supported)
These parameter determine the laser pattern’s height and rate of expansion.
Note: These parameters are only used when either Programmable Raster or
Always Raster is assigned to the “2D Scanning Mode” parameter.
“2D Raster Height” and “2D Raster Expand Rate” are intended
for very specific applications, and are usually not required for normal
scanning purposes.
Double-tapping on this parameter displays a dialog box in which you can enter a
value from 1 to 15. Data Options — Decoded (Internal) Scanner
Transmit Code ID Char
A code ID character identifies the scanned bar code type. In addition to any single
character prefix already selected, the code ID character is inserted between the
prefix and the decoded symbol.
When you double-tap on this parameter, a dialog box is displayed in which you can
choose a transmit code: None, AIM or Symbol.
Scan Data Format
This parameter allows you to change the scan data transmission format.
Double-tapping on “Scan Data Format” displays the following options from which
you can choose a data format: data (as-is), data <S1>, data <S2>, data <S1><S2>,
<P> data, <P> data <S1>, <P> data <S2> and <P> data <S1><S2>.
Prefix <P>, Suffix <S1> And Suffix <S2>
A prefix and/or one or two suffixes may be appended to scan data for use in data editing.
When you double-tap on these parameters, a dialog box is displayed in which you
can enter a value from 0 to 255.
Delete Char Set ECIs (not supported)
Setting this parameter to on enables the scanner to delete any escape sequences
representing Character Set ECIs – Extended Channel Interpretations (also known as
GLIs) from its buffer before transmission.