Editing the target in this view doesn’t affect the favorite target. If you want to edit the favorite target,
go to FAVORITES by clicking the star-icon right next to your name and profile photo.
5. Click ADD TO DIARY to add the target to your Diary.
Remember to sync the training targets to your A300 from the Flow web service via FlowSync or
Flow App. If you don't sync them, they are only visible in your Flow web service Diary or Favorites list.
After syncing your training targets to your A300, you can find:
l scheduled trainings targets in Targets menu (unperformed trainings of the past 1 week and next 4
l training targets listed as favorites in Favorites.
For information on starting a training target session, see Start a training session.
In Favorites, you can store and manage your favorite training targets in the Flow web service. Your A300 can
have a maximum of 20 favorites at a time. If you have over 20 favorites in the Flow web service, the first 20 in
the list are transferred to your A300 when syncing. You can find them under the Favorites menu in your A300.
You can change the order of your favorites by dragging and dropping them in the web service. Choose the
favorite you want to move and drag it into the place you want to put it in the list.
Add a Training Target to Favorites:
1. Create a training target.
Click the favorites icon on the lower right corner of the page.
3. The target is added to your favorites
1. Open an existing target from your Diary.
Click the favorites icon on the lower right corner of the page.
3. The target is added to your favorites.