A300 tracks your activity with an internal 3D accelerometer that records your wrist movements. It analyzes
the frequency, intensity and regularity of your movements together with your physical information, allowing
you to see how active you really are in your everyday life, on top of your regular training.
Your A300 gives you an activity goal each day and guides you in reaching the goal. You can view the goal on
Polar Flow app or web service. The activity goal is based on your personal data and activity level setting,
which you can find in the Daily Activity Goal settings in the Flow web service. Sign in to the Flow web service,
click your name/profile photo in the upper right corner and go to the Daily Activity goal tab in Settings.The
Daily Activity goal setting lets you choose from three activity levels (1) the one that best describes your typ-
ical day and activity. Below the selection area (2), you can see how active you need to be to reach your daily
activity goal on the chosen level. For example, if you're an office worker and spend most of your day sitting,
you would be expected to reach about four hours of low intensity activity during an ordinary day. For people
who stand and walk a lot during their working hours, the expectations are higher.
A300 gradually fills up an activity bar to indicate your progress towards your daily
goal. When the bar is full, you've reached your goal. You can view the activity bar
in time view and in Activity.