Message Cause Action
CHECK USB The USBconnec-
tor orUSB cable
has short-
Check thatthe
USB connector or
USB cableis not
caught insome-
thing or damaged.
The connected
USB portable
audio player/
USB memory
consumes more
than 500mA
(maximum allow-
able current).
Disconnect the
USB portable
audio player/USB
memor y and do
not useit. Turn the
ignition switch to
OFF, then toACC
or ONand then
connect acompli-
ant USBportable
audio player/USB
memor y.
ERROR-02-DX Communication
Perform oneof the
following opera-
–Turn the ignition
switch OFFand
back ON.
–Disconnect the
USB portable
audio player/USB
memor y.
–Change toa dif-
ferent source.
Then, returnto the
USB portable
audio player/USB
memor y.
Handling guideline
Discs and player
Use only discsfeaturing any offollowing logos.
Use 12-cm disc.Do not use8-cm disc oran adapter
for 8-cm disc.
Use only conventional, fullycircular discs. Do notuse
shaped discs.
Do notinsert anything other thana DVD (-R/-RW)or
CD (-R/-RW) intothe disc loadingslot.
Do notuse cracked, chipped, warped,or otherwise
damaged discs asthey may damagethe player.
Unfinalized CD-R/CD-RWand DVD-R/DVD-RW disc
playback are notpossible.
Do nottouch the recorded surface of thediscs.
Store discs intheir cases whennot in use.
Avoid leaving discsin excessively hotenvironments
including under directsunlight.
Do notattach labels, write onor apply chemicalsto
the surface of thediscs.
To cleana disc, wipethe disc with asoft cloth out-
ward from thecenter.
Condensation may temporarilyimpair the player’s
per formance. Leaveit to adjustto the warmer tem-
perature forabout onehour. Also, wipeany damp
discs with asoft cloth.
Playback ofdiscs may not bepossible because of
disc characteristics, discformat, recorded applica-
tion, playbackenvironment, storageconditions, and
so on.
Additional Information