3 Turn M.C. to select the audio function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the audio function.
FAD/BAL (fader/balanceadjustment)
You can change thefader/balance setting.
1 PressM.C. to display thesetting mode.
2 PressM.C. to cycle betweenfader and balance.
3 Turn M.C.to adjust speaker balance.
Adjustment range (front/rear):F15to R15
Adjustment range (left/right): L15to R15
Select FR0 when only usingtwo speakers.
EQUALIZER (equalizer recall)
There are sixstored settings: DYNAMIC(dynamic),
VOCAL (vocal), NATURAL(natural), CUSTOM (cus-
tom), FLAT (flat)and POWERFUL (powerful).
! WhenFLAT isselected no adjustments aremade
to thesound.
1 PressM.C. to display thesetting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to select the equalizer.
3 PressM.C. to confirm theselection.
TONE CTRL (equalizeradjustment)
You can adjustthe bass/mid/treble level.
! Adjusted equalizer curve settings arestored in
1 PressM.C. to display thesetting mode.
2 PressM.C. to select BASS(bass)/MID (mid)/TRE-
BLE (treble).
3 Turn M.C.to adjust the level.
Adjustment range: +6to -6
LOUDNESS (loudness)
Loudness compensates fordeficiencies in thelow-
and high-frequency rangesat low volume.
1 PressM.C. to display thesetting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to select the desiredsetting.
OFF (off)—LOW(low)—HIGH (high)
3 PressM.C. to confirm theselection.
SLA (source leveladjustment)
SLA (Source LevelAdjustment) lets youadjust the vo-
lume level ofeach source toprevent radical changes
in volume whenswitching between sources.
! Settings are basedon the FMvolume level, which
remains unchanged.
Before adjusting sourcelevels, compare theFM
volume level withthe level ofthe source youwish
to adjust.
! TheAM volumelevel can alsobe adjusted with
this function.
1 PressM.C. to display thesetting mode.
2 Turn M.C.to adjust the sourcevolume.
Adjustment range: +4to –4
3 PressM.C. to confirm theselection.
! When selecting FM as the source, you cannot
switch to SLA.
! Operation is complete evenif the menuis can-
celled before being confirmed.
Operating this unit
Operating this unit