Selecting a SIRIUS channel directly
Operations are the same as those of the XM
tuner. (Refer to Selecting an XMchannel directly
on page 25.)
Advanced operations using
special buttons
Selecting thechannel selectmode
Referto Selecting thechannel select modeon page
Referto Pausing playbackon page13.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the function.
CH select(channel selectmode setting)
You havetwo methodsfor selectinga channel: by
number andby category.When selectingby number,
channels inany category canbe selected. Selectby
categoryto narrowyour search downto onlychan-
nels ina particularcategory.
Referto CH select(channel selectmode setting) on
page 25.
G-Alert (gamealert setting)
This systemcan alertyou when gamesinvolving your
favorite teamsare aboutto start. To usethis function
you needto setup agame alertfor the teamsin ad-
! Touse thisfunction, aPioneerSIRIUS bus inter-
face (e.g.CD-SB10) isrequired.
! Touse thisfunction, aSIRIUS plug-and-play unit
with aGame AlertFunctionis required.
! Fordetails, referto theSIRIUS plug-and-play
unit’s manuals.
! You canalso operatethis function whena SIR-
PNR2 isconnected tothis unit.
! The GameAlert functionis off atthe defaultset-
! Once youselect theteams, youneed to turnthe
Game Alertfunction on.
1 PressM.C. toturn theGame Alert onor off.
! When agame ofthe selected teamis aboutto
start (oris currentlyplaying) ona different station,
Game alertis displayed.Press andhold M.C.to
switch tothat station,and youcan listento that
Teamsetting (teamsetting)
1 PressM.C. toselect adesired league.
2 TurnM.C. toselect adesiredteam.
3 Pressand holdM.C. tostore the selectedteam in
the memory.
The gamealert functionis activated forthat team.
4 Repeatthese steps toselect otherteams.
Up to12 teamscan beselected.
! When youhave alreadyselected 12teams,
FULL isdisplayed andadditional teamscan-
not beselected. Inthis case,first delete ase-
lected teamand thentryagain.
Game INFO(game information)
If anygames ofthe selected teamsare currentlyplay-
ing, youcan displayinformation onthe games and
tune into thebroadcast channel.
You candisplay informationon the gameswhile en-
joying thesound fromthe station youare currently
tuned into. Youcan alsotune into thebroadcast
channel whenyou wishto.
1 TurnM.C. toselect agame.
! The gamescore willbe updatedautomatically.
2 PressM.C. toswitch tothe other stationand lis-
ten tothe game.
! If youhave notselected any teams,NOT SETis
! When gamesinvolving your favoriteteams are not
currently playing,NO GAMEis displayed.
Available accessories