Sampling frequency: 8kHz to 44.1kHz
Bit rate:8 kbps to320 kbps
Apple Lossless:Not compatible
AAC filebought from theiTunes Store (.m4pfile ex-
tension): Notcompatible
DivX compatibility
Compatible format:DivX video formatimplemented in
relation toDivX standards
File extensions:.avi or.divx
DivX Ultraformat: Not compatible
DivX HDformat: Not compatible
DivX fileswithout video data:Not compatible
DivX plus:Not compatible
Compatible audiocodec: MP2, MP3,Dolby Digital
LPCM: Notcompatible
Bit rate:8 kbps to320 kbps (CBR),VBR
Sampling frequency: 8kHz to 48kHz
Compatible externalsubtitle fileextension: .srt
Supplemental information
Some charactersin a filename (including thefile ex-
tension) ora folder namemay not bedisplayed.
This unitmay not operatecorrectly depending onthe
application usedto encode WMAfiles.
There maybe a slightdelay at thestart ofplayback of
audio filesembedded with imagedata or audiofiles
stored ona USB storagedevice that hasnumerous
folder hierarchies.
Playable folders:up to 700
Playable files:up to 999for CD-R/CD-RW
Playable files:up to 3500 forDVD-R/DVD-RW
File system:ISO 9660Level 1 and2, Romeo,Joliet,
UDF 1.02,1.50, 2.00, 2.01,2.50 (DVD-R/DVD-RW)
Multi-session playback: Compatible
Packet write datatransfer: Not compatible
Regardless ofthe length ofblank sections between
the songsfrom the originalrecording, compressed
audio discsplay with ashort pause betweensongs.
External storage device (USB)
Playable folders:up to 6000 (up to700 forDivX)
Playable files:up to 65535, upto 255 forone folder
Playback ofcopyright-protected files: Notcompatible
Partitioned external storage device(USB): Only the
first playablepartition can beplayed.
There isno compatibility forMulti Media Cards
! Pioneer accepts no responsibility for data lost
on the USB memory/USB portable audio
player even if that data is lost while using this
! Do not leave the discs/external storage device
(USB) or iPod in places with high
Additional Information
Additional Information