Shows thefile name ofthe MP3/
WMA/AAC filecurrently being
Shows thepreset number ofthe sta-
tion currentlybeing tuned into.
Shows SIRIUSinformation.
Area 3
Shows thetitle number currently
being played.
Shows thechapter number cur-
rently beingplayed.
Shows thereplay time currently
being played.
Shows whenthe game alertfunc-
tion ison while receivingSIRIUS
Indicates thatthe feature demois
Handling guidelines
Discs and player
Use onlydiscs featuring anyof following logos.
Use 12-cmdiscs. Do notuse 8-cm discsor an adapter
for 8-cmdiscs.
Use onlyconventional, fullycircular discs. Donot use
shaped discs.
Do notinsert anything otherthan a DVD(-R/-RW) or
CD (-R/-RW)into the discloading slot.
Do notuse cracked, chipped,warped, or otherwise
damaged discsas they maydamage the player.
Unfinalized CD-R/CD-RW discs cannotbe played
Do nottouch the recordedsurface of thediscs.
Store discsin their caseswhen not inuse.
Do notattach labels, writeon or applychemicals to
the surface of thediscs.
To cleana disc,wipe the discwith a softcloth out-
ward fromthe center.
Condensation may temporarilyimpair the player’s
per formance. Letit rest forabout one hourto adjust
to awarmer temperature. Also,wipe any dampdiscs
off witha soft cloth.
Playback ofdiscs may notbe possible becauseof
disc characteristics,disc format, recorded applica-
tion, playbackenvironment, storage conditions,and
so on.
Road shocksmay interrupt discplayback.
Additional Information