Preventive Maintenance Cab Maintenance
Medium Duty
(R10/06) Y53-6008 – 193 –
Cleaning, Protection and Weather–Stripping
Frequent washings of the vehicle are required to remove
grime and contaminants that can stain and oxidize paint and
accelerate corrosion of plated and polished metal surfaces.
Waxing offers added protection against staining and oxida-
tion. But to allow enough time for your truck's finish to cure,
wait about 30 days after the date of manufacture before wax-
ing. Do not apply wax in the hot sun and do not friction burn
the paint with a buffing machine.
Occasionally spray weather-stripping on doors and windows
with silicone compound to help preserve resiliency. This is
especially useful in freezing weather to prevent doors and
windows from sticking shut with ice.
Vehicle Cleaning
WARNING! Handle cleaning agents carefully.
Cleaning agents may be poisonous. Keep them
out of the reach of children.
• Observe all caution labels.
• Always read directions on the container before using any
• Do not use any solution that can damage the body paint.
• Most chemical cleaners are concentrates which require
• Use spot removing fluids only in well ventilated areas.
• Do not use gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, nail polish
remover or other volatile cleaning fluids. They may be
toxic, flammable or hazardous in other ways.
• Do not clean the underside of chassis, fenders wheel
covers, etc. without protecting your hands and arms. You
may cut yourself on sharp-edged metal parts.
• Moisture, ice, and road salt on brakes may affect braking
efficiency. Test the brakes carefully after each vehicle
Any vehicle is subject to deterioration from industrial fumes,
ice, snow, corrosive road salt, etc., to name just a few
causes. A well-cared-for vehicle can look like new many
years later. Regular and correct care will contribute to main-
taining the beauty and the value of your vehicle.
Your Peterbilt Dealer has a number of vehicle-care products
and can advise you on which ones to use for cleaning the
exterior and interior of your vehicle.