Cab Maintenance Preventive Maintenance
– 192 – Y53-6008
Medium Duty (R10/06)
Exterior Maintenance
Painted Surfaces
Wash painted surfaces frequently to remove grime and caus-
tic deposits which may stain the finish. See “
Cleaning, Pro-
tection and Weather–Stripping” on page 193.
Chrome and Aluminum Surfaces
To prevent rust, keep chromed parts clean and protected with
wax at all times, especially in winter conditions where the
roads are salted.
• If necessary, use a commercial chrome cleaner to
remove light rust.
• Chrome surfaces are best cleaned with fresh water.
Wipe dry to preserve their luster. A commercial chrome
cleaner will remove light rust. After cleaning, wax flat sur-
faces and apply a thin coat of rust preventive lubricant
around bolts or other fasteners.
• Clean aluminum wheels and bumpers with warm water.
Tar remover will get rid of heavy deposits of road grime.
To prevent spotting, wipe aluminum surfaces dry after
• Under corrosive conditions, such as driving on salted
roads, clean aluminum parts with steam or high pressure
water from a hose. A mild soap solution will help. Rinse
Stainless Steel
Even high quality stainless steel parts can rust under pro-
longed exposure to salt water, especially when the salt-laden
moisture is held against the metal surface by road grime. It is,
therefore, important to frequently clean salty moisture and
grime from stainless steel surfaces.
• If surface rust is encountered, wash the surface and use
a commercial polishing compound to clean off the rust,
followed by a coating of wax (do not apply wax to hot
parts, such as exhaust pipes).
• Never use steel wool when cleaning stainless steel
because minute particles of the steel wool can embed in
the surface of the stainless steel and cause rust staining.