
Winget Limited gratefully acknowledge the assistance given by Newage Transmissions
Limited in the preparation of this manual, however neither Winget Limited or Newage
Transmissions can be held responsible for any errors or ommissions.
The procedures described within this manual should enable experienced service
personel to strip, repair and re-build Newage 410 series axles fitted to Winget 4S range
site dumpers in a safe and competant manner. The procedures are not intended to be
used by personnel who are unfamiliar with the product or mechanically inexperienced.
It is assumed that personnel are aware of the Health and Safety Regulations which
should be applied but the following should act as a reminder.
Whenever possible any repairs or service should be carried out in a clean environment.
If work must be carried out on site or in the field steps should be taken to ensure that dirt
or foreign materials cannot enter the assembly.
Ensure all work tools are in good condition and only use the correct tool for the job in
Always wear safety spectacles when using soft or hard faced hammers, chisels, drifts or
when using air tools. Wear safety spectacles when cleaning components or when
Do not misuse air lines and be aware of the damage compressed air can cause if
Always make sure lifting equipment is in good condition and the Safe Working Load
exceeds the weight of the component to be lifted.
Always use suitable supports i.e. axle stands or baulks of timber in conjuction with
hydraulic jacks etc. Never rely on hydraulic jacks alone to support a machine.
Be aware of hot surface temperatures and take care when draining hot oils. Always
dispose of waste oils in accordance with local and national regulations.
Whenever possible always disconnect the battery or battery isolator when working on the
machine to prevent electrical shorts and unauthorised starting.
Refer to the operators handbook for a guide to the correct sequence for assembling
components and sub-assemblies.
Oils, fuels, silicone sealer etc can cause skin diseases if allowed to contaminate the skin.
Always apply barrier creams, wear suitable protective clothing or when contamination is
unavoidable clean the area with soap and water as soon as possible. Do not use thinners
or other solvents to clean skin.
Health and Safety is a matter of common sense. If common sense is applied correctly
the risk of accidents can be reduced.
Spares for Newage Axles fitted to Winget Equipment can only be obtained from Winget
Limited or one of our authorised distributors and not from Newage Transmissions
Limited. Always quote your machines serial number and model together with axle serial
number and model when ordering spare parts.