Hub, Stub Axle and Axle Arm Assembly
Section D
The Hub, Halfshaft and Stub Axle can be serviced with the Axle in situ on the machine.
The Hub Assembly
Remove the ring of nyloc nuts round the halfshaft securing the shaft to the hub, withdraw
the shaft and check the splines for wear or damage. Check the shaft for signs of twist or
distortion (A drip tray placed below the hub will catch any oil which runs from the hub).
Straighten the locking tabs on the lockwasher securing the ring nut, undo the ring nut and
remove the nut, lockwasher and spacer, pull off the hub taking care not to drop the
bearings, remove the V ring seal located on the rear of the hub.
The front and rear bearing and hub oil seal can be drifted out of the hub, the hub oil seals
should be replaced regardless of visual condition. If new bearings are to be fitted ensure
they are aligned squarely to their bores before tapping home.
The oil seal housing is an interference fit on the stub axle and can be gently tapped off
using a soft faced hammer if it requires replacing. When refitting the replacement care
must be taken not to damage or distort the housing. Apply “loctite” grade 601 to the
mating surfaces of the housing and stub axle before assembly.
To re-assemble the hub reverse the procedure, lubricating the hub oil seal lip, “V” ring
seal and bearings before assembly. Fit a new lock washer.
To Adjust the Hub Bearings
Tighten the ring nut to a torque of 14Kpm (100lbft). Fully rotate the hub a few turns in
each direction to seat the bearings and re-check the torque (this operation should be
repeated until the locknut no longer turns when the torque is rechecked). Slacken the ring
nut back a distance equal to 1 tab of the lockwasher and then bend over a tab to secure
the ring nut in place.
Coat the mating surfaces of the hub and halfshaft with one of the recomended sealants
and refit the halfshaft aligning the splines and studs. It may be necessary to rotate the
hub slightly to align the splines on the halfshaft with the planet carrier within the axle. Re-
torque the nyloc nuts. Remove the combined filler/level plug and top up the axle oil.
Stub Axle Removal
The stub axle is retained to the axle arm via a ring of nuts and bolts and is sealed using
an “O” ring.
To remove the stub axle it will be necessary to remove the halfshaft. Remove the ring of
nuts and bolts and lift the stub axle clear of the arm.
Check all parts for damage, replace the “O” ring, coat the mating surfaces with the
recommended sealant and refit the stub axle.
Refit the halfshaft as previously described, top up the axle oil.