
260 C2630M-C (7/09)
setup mode
accessing 114
alarm properties, setting up 133
See also alarm inputs
camera setup 116, 154
See also camera
commands, listing of 115
Ext. Monitor
data backup 201
Ext. monitor setup 228
how to open Setup dialog box 29
motion sensitivity, setting 118
multiple cameras
alarm events, linking cameras to record 137
ATM/POS events, linking cameras to record 137
motion events, linking cameras to record 136
video loss events, linking cameras to record 138
network properties
accessing DX8100 network configuration details 171
base port, setting up 170
DHCP, setting up 169
DNS or WINS services, setting up 172
overview 168
port and device communications properties 177
site name, assigning 168
TCP/IP and bandwidth throttle, setting up 170
network setup
static IP address, entering 170
overview 114
PTZ presets and patterns
alarm events, linking to 140
ATM/POS events, linking to 141
linking to external events 139
motion events, linking to 139
PTZ test 117
video loss events, linking to 142
relay output
advanced alarm-activated, configuring 165
advanced ATM/POS-activated, configuring 166
advanced motion-activated, configuring 163
advanced video loss-activated, configuring 167
alarm event (external), linking to 135
ATM/POS event (external), linking to 135
motion event (external), linking to 134
See also relays
video loss event (external), linking to 136
relay properties, setting up 133
See also relays
schedule setup
frame rate, basic, configuring 157
frame rate, configuring 156
record mode 143, 145
system setup 218
user access 208
setup pages
Backup page 201
Camera page 115
Ext. Monitor page 228
Linking page 132
Network page
default, Network page 168
DNS/WINS page 172
Schedule page 143
Site page 214
System page 218
User page 208
shortcut keys
PC keyboard 52
Home and End
Insert and Delete
Left and Right Arrow
Page Up and Page Down
Plus (+) and Minus (-)
Up and Down arrow
using to operate PTZ and lens functions 51, 52
shortcut menus
local site shortcut menu 38
relay shortcut menu 38
remote site shortcut menu 38
site designator 46
site name 168
site tree
all cameras, assigning from 39
how organized 24
local, expanding and collapsing 38
overview 37
remote, expanding and collapsing 38
single camera, assigning from 39
DX8100 HVR server, using 15
upgrading 15
software upgrade port 170
standard audio
inputs 119
standard view mode 51
static IP address
adding remote site with static IP address 214
assigning 169, 170
remote site 214
status bar 24
stop bits 180, 181
synchronization, loss of 121
system administration 250
system administrator
obtaining user account 18
system configuration
language 16
language, setting 15
printer, adding 15
time, setting 15
system ID 168