C662M-E (5/03) 65
Figure 73. CM9760 Relay Configuration
Table F. Relay Configuration
Term Definition
Baud Rate Set according to the external relay device settings.
Parity Set according to the external relay device settings.
COM Port The COM port on the recorder that the relay unit is connected to.
Frame Address Not used. Set with default value 0.
Default Latch Time The relay latch time that activates the relays on the relay unit. This sets the same Latch Time
for the entire relay ports.
Momentary Latch Setup Relay: Define the relay port number that you want to change. The first relay port on the relay
unit is 0.
Latch Time: The relay latch time on the relay unit, for a specific port, that activates the selected
Add: Set new latch time to the specific port.
Remove: Set the default latch time for the specific relay port.
6. Set the baud rate to 9600 and the parity to Even.
7. Enter the COM port that the relay unit is connected to on the recorder.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Test.