C662M-E (5/03) 63
Figure 69. CM9760 Alarm Configuration
Table E. Alarm Configuration
Term Definition
Baud Rate Set according to the external alarm device settings.
COM Port The COM port on the recorder that the alarm unit is connected to.
Event Type Not used. Set with default value 4.
Event Category Not used. Set with default value 0.
Default Interval The time interval between two events. This sets the same interval for the entire alarm ports.
Armed Alarms Define the port range on your alarm devices. For example, if the recorder is connected to two alarms,
you should have a range of 0-127 because each alarm has 64 ports.
Intervals Setup Alarm: Define the alarm port number that you want to change. The first alarm port on the alarm unit is 0.
Interval: Define the interval time for the desired port that is specified in the alarm.
Add: Set new interval time to the specific port.
Remove: Set the default interval time for the specific alarm port.
6. Set the baud rate to 4800.
7. Enter the COM port that the alarm unit is connected to on the recorder.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Test.