C1528M-F (6/05) 65
A brief description of CM6800E operation is provided here. Refer to the following sections for detailed instructions and options.
The CM6800E can be operated with a KBD100, KBD200A, KBD300A, KBD960, or KBR960 keyboard. Operation instructions are provided below,
but you should become familiar with the detailed instructions provided in the appropriate keyboard manual.
The CM6800E can also be controlled with ASCII commands. Refer to the ASCII Operating Commands section.
If you select a restricted monitor, the monitor does not switch; the keyboard LED displays the previously selected monitor number.
Install the CM6800E and connect all system devices. Refer to the Installation section.
Power-up the system. Refer to the System Start-up section.
Switch monitor. 1. Enter the monitor number.
2. Press the MON key.
Select camera. 1. Enter the camera number.
2. Press the CAM key.
Control PTZ receivers. Use the appropriate PTZ control keys or joystick (depending on the keyboard used).
Extended Coaxitron protocol receivers can be operated without any programming
changes. Other receiver control protocols require programming changes.
Call a preset. Program the preset through the keyboard.
1. Enter the preset number.
2. Press the PRESET key or Prst/Lock key (depending on the keyboard used).
System does not function. Refer to the Troubleshooting section.
1. Enter the monitor number.
2. Press the MON key. The keyboard LED displays the selected monitor number.