
C1528M-F (6/05) 63
SEQUENCE: Select the sequence number you want to program.
STP: Each sequence can include up to 72 steps. For each step select entries for the following fields as necessary:
CAM: Enter the desired camera number (logical number).
DWL: Enter the dwell time (01-99 seconds).
CMD and ##: Select a command; if you select a pattern or a preset enter a valid pattern or preset number.
PRES = preset
PATT = pattern
RSCN = random scan
FSCN = frame scan
SSCN = stop scan
AUX and ##: Select an auxiliary to be activated.
Global = internal and external auxiliaries.
GON = turn global auxiliary on
GOFF = turn global auxiliary off
CON = turn camera auxiliary on
COFF = turn camera auxiliary off
NOTE: Activate the auxiliaries on the rear panel of the CM6800E by selecting global auxiliary numbers 1,
2, or 3 (in a 96 x 16 system the expansion unit auxiliaries are activated by global auxiliary numbers 4, 5,
and 6). The remaining global auxiliary numbers control REL2064 Relay Interface Unit auxiliaries.