Fig. 7.2-a / Belt Routing With A/C
A2. (For vehicles
air conditioning.)
Install the belt tensioner plate onto the
supercharger mounting plate using the sup-
plied 1.351" spacers and 7/16" bolts. Mount
the idler and spacer on the front side of the
tensioner plate in one of the two holes pro-
B. Remove the factory water pump pulley and
install the supplied water pump pulley.
C. For vehicles without a factory A/C belt ten-
sioner on the compressor mounting bracket,
remove the support that attaches the com-
pressor body to the water pump housing (all
others may use the factory belt tensioner).
Install the supplied mounting blocks on the
compressor. Connect the supplied tensioner
plate to the mounting blocks and to the
water pump housing using the supplied bolts
and spacers. Tighten all fasteners. Install the
supplied smooth idler assembly into the slot
in the plate. Leave the assembly loose so
that it can be tensioned after the belt is
A. Install the power steering, alternator, air
conditioning and supercharger drive belts
and tension each. (Do not over-tension the
supercharger drive belt. Press down firmly
on the idler while tightening the three ten-
sioner plate bolts).
B. Tighten the supercharger pulley retainer
assembly to 30-35 ft/lbs if pulley was not
installed at Paxton.