
[STX] [Response Command] : [E] [R] [n1] [n2] [n3] [ETX]
Parameters are omitted when the command format includes neither data nor status to send back.
(2) Reception Error
The unit sends back "NAK code 15H", followed by the parameters. The unit then resets the reception buffer and enters the
waiting mode for the next message. Parameter "e" identifies the error status.
[p] stands for parameter. Parameters are omitted when the command does not need to specify them.
2. Response Command
The unit returns messages to the PC with the following formats.
(1) Reception Command
When the reception was completed successfully, the unit sends back the "ACK code 06H" to the PC, and then the
response command.
The following pages detail the elements for communication between the unit and the PC.
When operating the PC, make sure to conform the serial port's communication speed to that of the unit.
The unit's communication speed is configurable by changing COM. SPEED in SETUP MENU. Data, parity and stop bits have
been set as follows:
Item Parameter
Data length 8bit(fixed)
Parity bit NONE(fixed)
Stop bit 1bit(fixed)
Hardware flow control (ER/DR/RS/CS) Not supported yet
Software flow control (Xon/Xoff) Not supported yet
Wait Time Not supported yet
1. Transmission Command
The PC sends messages to the recorder in the following format. Also refer to the command table.
(02H) ( ) ( ) (03H)
[STX] [Transmission Command] : [p1] : [p2] : : [pn] [ETX]
(02H) ( ) ( ) (03H)
[STX] [Response Command] : [p1] : [p2] : : [pn] [ETX]
Code [NAK] [e]
(3) Parameter Error
The unit returns "ACK code 06H", if the transmission code was not processed properly, followed by an error code.
1: Parity error (31H)
2: Overflow error (32H)
3: Framing error (33H)
4: Overrun error (34H)
5: Timeout error (35H)
[n] stands for an error code number. (Refer to p. 161.)
Note: The unit returns [ACK] or [NAK] to the PC within 20 ms after the reception of [ETX] in a transmission.
(02H) ( ) (45H) (52H) 03H