o Check the detailed information [Advanced Information]
Operation log and access log can be checked and the firmware can be upgraded.
The following window will be displayed when the [SET] button is pressed after moving the cursor onto "Set".
■ Operation Log
Operation log of the recorder (time and date of operations and event) will be displayed in the list form.
Up to 500 operation logs can be kept and the older logs will be overwritten by the newer logs.
The following is the descriptions of the operation log.
System Startup:
[L] System Updated:
[R] System Updated:
[L] Reboot System:
[R] Reboot System:
[L] Update Settings:
[R] Update Settings:
Modify Timer Rec.:
Modify Alarm Rec.:
Modify Network:
Modify Auto Delete:
[&_%] Modify Password:
Restore Default Settings:
HDD=n Format:
HDD=n Repair Directory:
HDD=n Replace:
User Allow Overwrite:
[&_%] Disconnect User:
HDD Safety Mode:
[&_%] Data Copy:
Backup via Network:
* [L]: Operation using the buttons on the recorder
* [R]: Operation using a PC via a network
* n: HDD No.
* &: User name (M: Manager, O: Operator, V: Viewer)
* %: User number (1 – 20, A: Auto Login User)
■ Access Log
Access log (time and date, event) will be displayed in the list form.
Up to 100 access logs can be kept and the older logs will be overwritten by the newer logs.
The following is the descriptions of the access log.
[L] Manager#
[(IP address)] Manager#
[L] Operator#
[(IP address)] Operator#
[L] Viewer#
[(IP address)] Viewer#
Manager Auto Login
Operator Auto Login
Viewer Auto Login
* #: User number (1 - 20)