
General Features
Features Guide 273
Doorphone Call
Doorphone provides a conversation between an extension user and a visitor at a door. When a
visitor presses the doorphone button, pre-assigned destination extensions ring. The extension
who answered the call can talk to the visitor. It is possible for any extension user to call a
Hardware Requirements
To utilize this feature, a DPH Card (KX-T96161) and a Doorphone are required. The
System supports up to eight doorphones.
Doorphone Call Destination
It is necessary to program the extensions that can receive doorphone calls during day and
night mode.
What if a doorphone call is not answered?
If not answered within 30 seconds, the call stops ringing and is canceled.
Unlocking the door opener
During a doorphone call, any extension user can unlock the door opener (user-supplied)
from his extension by dialing "5" to let the visitor in.
The extension user cannot hold and transfer the doorphone call.
Installation Manual References
2.7.3 DPH Card (KX-T96161)
Programming Guide References
2.3 Numbering Plan
Doorphone Call
Door Opener Time
4.5 Doorphone
Destination – Day / Night
Features Guide References
1.3 System Features
Door Opener
User Manual References
4.3.29 Doorphone Call