
General Features
10 Features Guide
1.1 System Expansion
EXtra Device Port (XDP)
A DPT and an SLT can be connected to the same extension port but have different extension
numbers so that they can act as completely different extensions.
Hardware Requirements
DHLC card (KX-TD50170) is required to utilize this feature.
XDP requires previous programming of the extension port. Enable XDP mode for the
desired port by System Programming.
If one or more DHLC cards are installed after booting up the System with default values,
DN assignment should be done before performing XDP assignment.
Installation Manual References
2.4.13 Extra Device Port (XDP) Connection
Programming Guide References
1.4 Extension Port Assignment
Parallel / XDP (DHLC card)
Features Guide References
1.3 System Features
Paralleled Telephone
User Manual References
Not applicable.