1-9 Inputting Screen Comments, File Names, and Titles
Screen comments, file names, and file titles can be input whenever new
screens are created or when existing screens are modified. The methods for
inputting these are described in this section.
1-9-1 Screen Comments
Screen comments can be input or changed when shifting from the Edit Dis-
play to the Screen Selection Display. Use the following procedure.
1, 2, 3...
1. Press the Escape Key from the Edit Display after creating a new screen
or editing an existing one. A message will appear asking you to confirm
returning to the Screen Selection Display.
2. To confirm and to save the new screen data, press the Enter Key. To
return to the Screen Selection Display without saving the new data,
press the Space Key. To cancel returning to the Screen Selection dis-
play and continue editing screen data, press the Escape Key.
3. If the Enter Key is pressed to return to the Screen Selection Display, an
input area will appear for the screen comment. If you have modified an
existing screen, any comment previously input for it will appear. Input or
change the comment as desired (24 characters) and press the Enter
Key. Press the Escape Key to return to step 2.
1-9-2 File Names and Titles
File names and titles can be input when shifting from the Screen Selection
Display to the File Selection Display. Use the following procedure.
1, 2, 3...
1. Press the Escape Key from the Screen Selection Display after creating
new screens and/or editing existing ones. A message will appear asking
if the new data should be saved.
2. To confirm and to save the new screen data, press the Enter Key. To
return to the File Selection Display without saving the new data, press
the Space Key. To cancel returning to the File Selection Display and re-
turn to the Screen Selection Display, press the Escape Key.
3. If the Enter Key is pressed to return to the File Selection Display, an in-
put area will appear for the file name. Input the file name (8 characters)
and press the Enter Key. Press the Escape Key to return to step 1.
4. If you specify an existing file name, you will be asked to confirm over-
writing the file. Press the Enter Key to confirm overwriting or press any
other key to return to step 3.
5. After the file name is input, and input area for the title will appear. Input
the title as desired (28 characters) and press the Enter Key. Press the
Escape Key to return to step 1.
Data will be saved to the specified file when the Enter Key is pressed for the
title input step. The display, however, will not change until the operation is
completed, at which time the File Selection Display will appear.
Inputting Screen Comments, File Names, and Titles Section 1-9