3. Input a file name of up to 8 characters, and then press the Enter Key.
While the data is being received from the PT, a message will be dis-
played indicating that history data is being received.
4. When the data has all been received, a message will be displayed.
Press any key to return to the File Selection Display.
Note If you give the file the same name as an existing file, a message will appear
indicating that the file name already exists, and asking you if you wish to
overwrite the existing file. If it is overwritten, any data stored up to that point
will be cleared. If you wish to overwrite the existing file, press the Enter Key.
If you wish to cancel, press a key other than the Enter Key and then input
another name for the file.
Saving Files A file name extension is attached to the file name that is input, and the file
name is stored in the Tool Settings data directory. For example, if the data
directory is set as B: \DATA, and LOGFILE is input as the file name, then the
data received will be saved to B: \DATA\LOGFILE.LOG.
The history records are stored in the file first by order of occurrence and then
by order of frequency.
4-5 Setting Initial Screens
The Programmable Terminal will display a previously designated initial
screen when the PT is turned on or reset.
1, 2, 3...
1. Go to the File Selection Display.
Setting Initial Screens Section 4-5