
2 - 11
2.3.7 Selecting the Output Data
Command Function
TS0 Requests the measured values.
TS1 Requests the parameter set values.
TS2 Requests unit and decimal point information.
2.3.8 Selecting the Output Format for Measured Data
Command Function
FM0, p1, p2 Selects the channels for which measured values are to be output in
ASCII format.
FM1, p1, p2 Selects the channels for which measured values are to be output in
binary format.
Where p1 is the channel number (CC) from which the output should start, and p2 is the
channel number (CC) at which the output should end
If you designate the output to be measured values (invoking the TS0 command), specify the data format by this FM command.
2.3.9 Selecting Channels for Request for Setting Parameters, Unit/Decimal Point
Command Function
LF, p1, p2 Selects channels for which parameter set values (after the invoking
the TS1 command) or for which engineering unit and decimal
point information is to be output (after invoking the TS2
Where p1 is the channel number (CC) from which the output should start, and p2 is the
channel number (CC) at which the output should end
If you designate the output data type by the TS1 or TS2 command, specify the format by this LF command.
2.3.10 Loading the SET Configuration File
(See Section 5.5.2 of the instruction manual for the VR200.)
Command Function
LOp1 Loads the SET configuration file (suffix .PNL) specified by p1
into the internal memory.
Where p1 is the name of the file to be loaded (maximum of eight characters)
2.3.11 Saving the SET Configuration File
(See Section 5.5.1 of the instruction manual for the VR200.)
Command Function
LIp1 Saves the settings (made in SET mode) as a SET configuration file
with the specified name.
Where p1 is the name of the save file (maximum of eight characters)
2.3 Program Control Commands