2 - 5
2.2.4 Setting the Unit
(See Section 4.3 of the instruction manual for the VR200.)
Format: SNp1, p2
p1: Channel number (CC)
p2: Engineering unit (up to six characters)
Example:SN02, kg
This example assigns the unit “kg” to channel 2. Note that a unit can only be
assigned to channels of the SCL or SQRT input.
2.2.5 Setting the Waveform Span Rate (TIME/DIV)
(See Section 4.4 of the instruction manual for the VR200.)
Format: SWp1
p1: Select the waveform span rate from 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 60
This example sets the waveform span rate to 1 minute.
2.2.6 Setting the Clock
(See Section 4.5 of the instruction manual for the VR200.)
Format: SDp1, p2
p1: Date (YY/MM/DD)
YY: The last two digits of the Western year
MM: 01 to 12
DD: 01 to 31
p2: Time (HH:MM:SS)
HH: 00 to 23
MM: 00 to 59
SS: 00 to 59
Example:SD96/03/13, 15:02:00
2.2.7 Copying the Channel Settings
(See Section 4.6 of the instruction manual for the VR200.)
Format: SYp1, p2
p1: Channel number (CC) from which you want to copy the settings
p2: Channel number (CC) to which you want to copy the settings
Example:SY01, 03
This example copies all settings from channel 1 to channel 3.
You can only copy from a lower channel number to a higher channel number.
2.2 Program Set Commands