
Appendix B Common Questions
PCI-Based MXI-2 Interface for Windows B-6 ni.com
What should I do if I get a
Configuration EEPROM is Invalid
There areseveralreasonswhy youmight getthe
Configuration EEPROM
is Invalid
message. If you turned off the computer while the
configuration update process was still in progress, the board functions
normally except when running MAX. To correct these problems, reboot the
computer with the Factory Override (FOV) switch set as described in
Appendix B, EEPROM Configuration,oftheMXI-2 Configuration
Reference Manual and update the configuration, or load the configuration
from file.
Two other reasons you might receive this error message are that the board
might have an incorrect base address assigned for the driver window, or
there may be a conflict with another adapter or memory management
What should I do if Resman hangs?
1. Ensure that the MXI-2 cable is plugged in and that the end labeled
Connect this end to the device closestto the MXIbus System Controller
is connected to the MXIbus system controller (by default, the
PCI-MXI-2, PCI-MXI-2 Universal, or PXI-8320). Because the MXI-2
cables are polarized, it matters which end is connected to which
2. Check for bent or broken pins on the MXI-2 connectors.
3. IfyouareusingaVME-MXI-2inthefirstslotofaVMEbuschassis,
the chassis may be causing problems with the First Slot Detection
circuit on the VME-MXI-2. Use MAX to change the Slot 0
Configuration setting of the VME-MXI-2 to Slot 0 rather than
Auto-detect before running Resman again. You must then enter the
logical address of the VME-MXI-2 to configure.
4. If problems persist, run Resman with the VXI/VME-MXI-2 located in
the leftmost slot of the chassis (VXI Slot 0) and no other instruments
installed. If this works, try adding instruments untilthe problem occurs
again. Contact National Instruments for further assistance.
Where can I find hardware specifications?
Refer to Appendix A, Specifications,oftheMXI-2 Configuration
Reference Manual.