Appendix A Specifications
© National Instruments Corporation A-15 NI 6115/6120 User Manual
Digital I/O
Number of channels...............................8 input/output
Compatibility .........................................TTL/CMOS
Power-on state........................................Input (high-impedance)
Data transfers .........................................DMA, interrupts,
programmed I/O
Input buffer ............................................2,000 bytes
Output buffer..........................................2,000 bytes
Transfer rate (1 word = 8 bits) ...............10 Mwords/s
Timing I/O
Number of channels...............................2 up/down counter/timers,
1 frequency scaler
Counter/timers ................................24 bits
Frequency scaler .............................4 bits
Compatibility .........................................TTL/CMOS
Base clocks available
Counter/timers ................................20 MHz, 100 kHz
Frequency scaler ............................. 10 MHz, 100 kHz
Table A-7. Digital logic levels
Level Min Max
Input low voltage
Input high voltage
Input low current (V
= 0 V)
Input high current (V
= 5 V)
0.0 V
2.0 V
0.8 V
5.0 V
–320 µA
10 µA
Output low voltage (I
= 24 mA)
Output high voltage (I
= 13 mA)
4.35 V
0.4 V