
NI 6115/6120 User Manual G-10 ni.com
rise time the difference in time between the 10% and 90% points of the step
response of a system
rms root mean square
RTD resistive temperature detector—a metallic probe that measures
temperature based upon its coefficient of resistivity
RTSI bus real-time system integration bus—the National Instruments timing bus
that connects DAQ devices directly, by means of connectors on top of the
devices for precise synchronization of functions
RTSI_OSC RTSI Oscillator—RTSI bus master clock
s seconds
S samples
S/s samples per second—used to express the rate at which a DAQ device
samples an analog signal
SCANCLK scan clock signal
scatter-gather a term that describes very high-speed DMA burst-mode transfers that are
made only by the bus master
signal conditioning the manipulation of signals to prepare them for digitizing
SFDR spurious free dynamic range
SISOURCE SI counter clock signal
SOURCE source signal
STARTSCAN start scan signal
STC system timing controller
system noise a measure of the amount of noise present in an analog circuit or when the
analog inputs are grounded