© National Instruments Corporation G-17 NI 5102 User Manual
SC_TC scan counter terminal count signal
SCXI Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation—the NI product
line for conditioning low-level signals within an external chassis near
sensors so only high-level signals are sent to DAQ devices in the noisy
PC environment
SE single-ended—a term used to describe an analog input that is measured
with respect to a common ground
self-calibrating a property of a DAQ device that has an extremely stable onboard reference
and calibrates its ownA/D and D/A circuitswithout manual adjustments by
the user
settling time the amount of time required for a voltage to reach its final value within
specified limits
shared memory see dual-access memory
signal divider performing frequency division on an external signal
SIMM single in-line memory module
Slot0Sel slot 0 select signal
SMB a type of miniature coaxial signal connector
SNR signal-to-noise ratio—the ratio of the overall rms signal level to the rms
noise level, expressed in decibels
software trigger a programmed event that triggers an event such as data acquisition
software triggering a method of triggering in which you simulate an analog trigger using
software. Also called conditional retrieval
source impedance a parameter of signal sources that reflects current-driving ability of voltage
sources (lower is better) and the voltage-driving ability of current sources
(higher is better)
SPICLK Serial Peripheral Interface Clock signal
Start Trigger start trigger signal
STC system timing controller